A student practices in the music lab.
Open to all PCC Music Students!The Music Lab and Library offers resources and services to help you in your music study and skill development.

Music Lab

Visit the Music Lab for support and resources to use for your music study. The Music Lab is available on a drop-in basis during our open hours for you to use at your convenience.

Music Lab Services & Usage

The Music Lab has a listening area with networked computers that can play CD’s and VHS and DVD players. The computers are equipped with software that can help you with music fundamentals, music theory, ear training, and digital editing. Several of the computers have Finale notation software. We also have a variety of equipment that is available for checkout, including metronomes, amps, microphones, percussion instruments, and iPod players

Computer, audio, video stations, and carrels are available on a first come basis. If all stations are being used, you may be asked to yield your station after one hour.

As long as you’re enrolled in one of the appropriate classes, you will have access to piano, theory, and tutoring. Tutoring is provided by either a trained student tutor or a faculty member.

See Tutoring Schedule

Speak with a Lab Instructor for assistance in selecting music courses, help in deciding on a transfer school, or defining and refining educational goals.

Use one of our lockers to store your instruments. Lockers are available each semester, to students enrolled in music classes, on a first-come, first served basis, with first priority given to Music Majors. To reserve a locker, come to the Music Lab during the first week of the semester. If you are a non-music major, you can reserve any remaining lockers starting the third week of the semester.
We have instruments available for loan to use in your ensemble or technique classes. To borrow an instrument, you will need to get an authorization card from your instructor. Take the card to Student Business Services and pay a fee of $40. From there, bring the card and receipt to CA-002C to receive your instrument.
  • You must be a current PCC student with a PCC ID to use the Music Lab.
  • You should properly clock in at the Attendance Computer when you arrive and clock out when you leave every time you use the Lab to ensure that you are credited for the time spent.
  • The computer will not allow you to clock in or receive Lab credit at a time you are scheduled to be in a class, even if the class has been canceled or the teacher has directed you to use the Lab during that time. This is to ensure that you get State credit for being in class.
  • CA-001B is a special, multiple use room. Priority is given to tutors, music majors (especially students needing the Finale notation program or Pro Tools) and music history students doing group projects.
  • The MIDI/digital audio rooms and workstations are restricted to students in those classes.

Music Lab Practice Rooms

We have twenty-five rooms that are reserved as practice spaces for you to reserve as needed.

Our practice rooms are equipped with:

  • Upright pianos in nine of the rooms
  • Grand pianos in five rooms
  • Drum sets in four rooms
  • Percussion instruments in one room

Note: To use the percussion and drum set rooms, you must be a student in one of those programs.

  • Practice rooms are circulated like Library items. You need to check out the room key which unlocks the practice room. You may be asked to surrender any room that is not checked out properly.
  • You may reserve rooms and times for the semester during the third week. Fill out “The Blue Sheet” that is available in the music lab and follow its instructions. Reservations are in effect beginning the fourth week through the fifteenth week.
  • Rooms can be reserved on a daily basis. Reservation sheets are posted at the circulation desk. A daily waiting list is provided, and rooms not claimed by 5 minutes after the hour are given out based on the waiting list order.
  • Respect the right of others to have a quiet study area and uninterrupted practice time.

When you are using a practice room, you are expected to follow the following policies:

  • You are expected to practice the entire time the room is checked out. If you have to leave for any length of time, the room key must be returned.
  • No food, drink, or socializing is allowed in the practice rooms.

Music Library

The music library is an extensive score library with CD, DVD and video holdings. We also have reserved materials, reference sources such as music dictionaries and encyclopedias, and many current music text books available. 

Music Library Online Catalog

Materials Borrowing Guidelines
  • A valid student ID is required.
  • Loan periods are limited to 2 hours.
  • Overdue fines are 50 cents per hour.
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