As an international student, studying in the United States is an exciting opportunity. But being far away from your family and your friends can be difficult.

Just like you maintain good physical health, you must also maintain good mental health. Recognize the early signs of mental health challenges and use these resources when you need them. It is ok not to feel ok.

If you want to share your difficulties, please reach out. Information regarding your concerns is confidential and is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Without your authorization, information regarding your student record or what you share with PCC staff cannot be shared with family, friends or strangers.

On Campus Help

Mental Health & Wellness Services

  • If you are enrolled in PCC classes, you can access our mental health counselors and doctors on campus through Mental Health & Wellness Services
  • Call their office at (626) 585-7273 to make an appointment. Appointments are virtual or in-person.
  • Enrolled students can receive short-term mental health counseling through the Office of Mental Health and Personal Wellness. Additional sessions may be referred to an off campus mental health provider.

Physical and Mental Well-Being Resources

International Student Center

  • Schedule an appointment with us through PCC Connect. Search for “International Student Center – Educational Advising” or “International Student Center – Academic Counseling” to talk to one of us. You can also visit us in D-205 during our business hours.
  • Visit the International Student Center Calendar for events and workshops to help you connect with other students and de-stress.
  • Sign-up for “Lancer Letter”, the official International Student Center newsletter, for international student tips and events. This is sent every Monday during Fall and Spring semesters to enrolled F-1 visa students (PCC email) and to subscribers.
  • Refer an International Student: If you are concerned about another F-1 international student’s well-being and you would like one of our International team members to follow-up, please email us at Share the F-1 international student’s name and a few words on why you would like us to reach out to the student.

Off Campus Help

If you paid your tuition and fees, you are enrolled in the International Student Health Insurance Plan (ISHIP).
This plan also covers, with co-pays, mental health care through two different options. Use whichever method you prefer:

  1. United HealthCare: You can access mental health providers through your physical and mental health care card, which is serviced by the United HealthCare Network.
    • You can search for mental health providers who speak other languages.
    • To search for mental health providers, visit United HealthCare
      • Click "Search the Network for your healthcare provider"
      • Then select "Search the network for mental health providers" 
      • Once here, you can search for physciatrists, psychologists or therapists under "People", or alternatively, under "Conditions" based on your mental health concern.
  2. Opyn Virtual Care: Through your PCC ISHIP, you can also talk to mental health providers, for free, using the Opyn Virtual Care/Telehealth option, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn More about Opyn